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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sometimes I Forget

Sometimes I forget that I am the one who is the living magic. I am the author of this story, the director of this play. Sometimes I forget to hold on to me, to keep that which makes me beautiful. Sometimes I forget that I am beautiful. Sometimes I forget that the most attractive things are those which first attract. So disgustingly willing to become what you want that sometime I forget what you wanted was me. Sometimes I forget to smile and sometimes I forget my voice of reason. Sometimes I forget that this isn't a dream. This isn't another one of those nightmares. Sometimes I forget that I can change things, that I can make things happen. Sometimes I forget that life rewards action. Speaking isn't enough, words alone do not a spell make. Sometimes I forget that love isn't perfect. Flaws and imperfections make things unique and special. Sometimes I forget who I want to be, who I used to be and how far I've come. Sometimes I forget that I am supernatural. Sometimes I just forget...


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